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Gray Heron
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Ardeidae
Genus: Ardea
Species: Ardea cinerea

The Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea) is a common heron that is often found in built up areas, as well as not. They are often shy on the ground, in the air they fly with long, slow and surprisingly loud wing beats. They are patient and, similar to kingfishers, they will stand still next to a pond for a long time before actually going for a fish with their powerful beaks. Although they mainly eat fish, they also eat other aquatic vertebrates. It's easy to recognize a heron, especially when it's in flight, from it's long legs, which are stuck out behind it in flight.



A Grey Heron in flight

The Gray Heron has long legs and a long neck. It is nearly 1 metre tall, has a 175-195 cm wingspan and weighs 1-2 kg.

Its plumage is mostly pale grey, with slate-coloured remiges, two thin black stripes running along the neck, two thick black stripes on the sides, whitish cheeks, and two tufts of black feathers above the eye. The juvenile has a generally less contrasted plumage, lacking the whitish tones on the head. The adult has an orange bill, which becomes particularly bright in the breeding season, whilst the juvenile's bill is greyish above and orange below. During the breeding season, the adult develops long plumes on the chest and back. The sexes are identical.



Heron rat

Grey Heron about to swallow a rat

Gray Herons feed mainly on amphibians and fish, especially eels. They also prey on other birds' chicks. They hunt by slowly stalking along the shore and then snatching their prey with their bill. Though they usually feed in shallow water, they may also hunt in fields and meadow, taking small mammals such as mice and voles and reptiles such as lizards.



A pair of Grey Herons building their nest

These herons nest in trees and reed beds, most often near bodies of water such as marshes and lakes. They nest in colonies and their nests are made of twigs. Nesting occurs from February to May. The clutch consists of 4-5 blueish eggs, which both sexes incubate for 25-26 days. It takes about two months for the chicks to fledge, but they stick around their parents for another couple of weeks before becoming fully independent.

Distribution and Habitat[]

The Grey Heron is commonly found in all kinds of wetlands (lakes, marshes and rivers) in most of Eurasia and Africa. It is found both in freshwater and brackish water habitats, and commonly occurs in rural and urban areas. Some populations are migratory, wintering in Africa and the Mediterranean.

